Carbon Push or Pull?
As a business we are seeing a spike in organisations who are asking for help and advice on their carbon footprint. This initially sounds great however some are acting and asking for this information as it’s a flow down from their customer supply chain. The concerns here is, from a business point of view, they are spending money to ensure that keep their customer oppose to doing the Carbon assessment for the right reasons or CSR.
This is a tricky situation as businesses need customers to make sure that they survive however is this practice seen as greenwashing? The advice we can give you is, do what you need to in order to keep trading, but please do it responsibly. If cost is an issue, there are ways to approach this. Why not break the assessment down into chunks. At Carbon Neutral Group, our consultants may recommend that we look at an initial baseline assessment before tackling scope 3. This isn’t as daunting as it sounds, and we can walk you through what is needed. We can help you turn this tick box exercise into part of a strategy to put your green agenda first and use it to win customers. Yes, a solid green strategy can help renew customer business but help to generate a revenue stream.